Thursday, December 30, 2010

Things I learned in 2010

Things I learned in 2010:

1. When you are unemployed, no job is below you. Despite being partially employed this year, I spent a lot of time not making money. A lot of time being poor. So I had to find employment, and so began my adventures cleaning houses. A few people would make jokes about my new job as a maid, but you know what? I made money. I could drive to school. I could eat. That is what matters. I also worked in retail again - a job I vowed I would never take again after several bad experiences. Yes it sucked. Yes I still hate retail. But my coworkers were freakin' awesome and I made some friends.

2. You don't get to pick your animal, your animal picks you. When I got Kairi, formerly known as Cuddles, in July I knew she was the one. Boyfriend and I were "just looking" when I sat down on a bench to get a better perspective on the "kitten room." Lo and behold, Cuddles jumped up into my lap and decided I would be her human. She is, in most ways, perfect. She plays. She cuddles. She is adorable. And she is really tolerant. She just doesn't yodel. Too bad...

3. My mom is an amazing person. In 2010 I "sort of" moved out of my parents' place and into Boyfriend's place. I say sort of because I don't actually pay rent. But I do clean. And I think strongly about sometimes cooking. I'm working on the paying thing, but that requires more/real work. I'm working on it! Anyway. Living with family inevitably leads to wanting to smash your face into a wall. That's the way of family. But after spending time away from them, I really appreciate all of the things my mom does for me. She brought us a Christmas dinner - turkey, potatoes, pie, etc - and today is coming to bring by plates and silverware because apparently paper plates just aren't good enough.

3. Netflix is the best invention ever. I was never really a TV person. I watched movies sometimes. I usually had ABC Family on in the background for some reason when I was on Facebook. But it wasn't an interest of mine. This year, I got Netflix. I finally had a chance to watch all of those shows I heard about and really fell in love with the stories, characters, and awesomeness. Bones and Weeds are two favorites of mine. The streaming feature is awesome. If you don't have Netflix yet, you really need to get in on this. I promise you won't be disappointed.

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